Terminated engine harness - Toyota 2JZ sérpöntun
Terminated engine harness - Toyota 2JZ sérpöntun
130.000 ISK
SÉRPÖNTUN, þessa vöru er hægt að versla þó svo að hún sé ekki til á lager.
Um leið og gengið er frá greiðslu verður varan sérpöntuð frá MaxxEcu. (Tekur umþ.b. 3-5 daga)
Terminated engine harness for Toyota 2JZ engine. Also suitable for VVTi engines.
NOTE! VAG ignition coils and Bosch standard injector connectors is used
Suitable for both MaxxECU STREET and MaxxECU V1/RACE/PRO.
MaxxECU V1/RACE/PRO has full functionality but connected with MaxxECU STREET the stock idle stepper won't work.
Must be completed with VAG ignition coils, 12/16-pin connector, and an adapter cable for the generator.