175.000 ISK
Extremely versatile engine control system for powerful engines with up to 6 sequential cylinders. Up to 12 cylinders in wasted spark
Faster and easier tuning with built-in wideband lambda and a built-in MAP-sensor up to 3 bar / 43.5 psi of boost
Get into the advanced tuning with functions such as built-in E-throttle with a superfast Cortex M3 CPU and Bluetooth connectivity
Target engines of MaxxECU SPORT
- All 1-12 cylinder engines (4-stroke)
- Up to 6 cylinders fully sequentially
- Up to 12 cylinders in wasted spark
MaxxECU SPORT inputs
- Intake air temperature sensor (IAT)
- Coolant temperature sensor (CLT)
- Throttle position sensor (TPS)
- Lambda (WBO) sensor. Uses a sensor directly connected to the ECU without any additional electronics. Supports Bosch LSU 4.2 and 4.9
- 2 trigger inputs. VR or digital. Automatic trigger level detection. The signals are processed by a completely separated processor for maximum performance and immunity against interference
- 2 extra temperature sensors. Can be used as switches or to control additional functions
- 6 extra 0-5V inputs. Can be used for additional sensors such as measurement oil/fuel pressure
- 2 digital inputs used for example for speed sensors (Hall) or switches
- Built-in 400kPa MAP-sensor for up to 3bar/43PSI of boost
MaxxECU SPORT outputs
- 6 peak/hold injector outputs. 1-2 high or low impedance injectors per output. 8A per output
- 6 ignition outputs. 5V signal to drive ignition modules, CDI units or coils
- 7 outputs for extra features. Can be used to control virtually anything. Fuel pumps, idle control, boost solenoids, nitrous, shift lights, fans, warning lights, etc. GPO 1-5 (2A), GPO 8 (5A), GPO 9 (2A)
- 2 extra motor outputs (e.g E-Throttle). GPO 11,12 (2A)
MaxxECU SPORT technical
- CAN bus for expansion modules, OEM vehicle CAN, OBDII
- USB communication for tuning with MTune
- Bluetooth for connecting to mobile devices with MDash
- 8MB memory for internal logging, up to 1000Hz
- Supply voltage 8-22V
- ARM Cortex-M3 120MHz main processor
- Resolution on ignition: 0.1 degrees
- Resolution on injectors: 0.001 ms
- Updates the fuel and ignition calculations 2000 times per second
- The fastest PC communication on the market
- Weight: 590g
- 140x134x42mm (including mounting points, excluding connector)
- Aluminium casing
MTune tuning features
- 2D and 3D
- Shortcuts for most operations
- Interpolation
- Local autotune
- Live-logger
- Superfast USB connection
- Live tuning - No need to burn changes - instant save
- Table smoothing
MaxxECU trigger support
See supported trigger system in online tech pages.MaxxECU engine protections
- EGT fuel correction
- Lean power cut
- EGT power cut
- Rev limit
- Advanced warning and protection system
- Lambda fuel correction
MaxxECU auto transmission support
MaxxECU functionality
- Launch control (up to three stages)
- Rolling launch
- Anti-lag using solenoid or E-Throttle
- Traction control
- Power management
- Shift-cut
- Overrun fuel cut
- Lambda control (closed loop)
- Nitrous control
- AC control
- Boost control (closed/open loop), extra compensation tables.
- Boost level switching
- E-Throttle support
- VANOS/VVTi support
- Logging: Internal up to 1000Hz, PC logging 20Hz
- Built-in error diagnostics and handling
- Idle control using E-Throttle, idle solenoid, stepper motor or ignition timing
- Closed loop anti-stall
- Ignition timing lock for easy synchronization with timing light
- Flex fuel
MaxxECU advanced features
- Speed limiters
- Individual fuel correction per cylinder
- Injector staging
- Virtual fuel tank/fuel consumption
- Filters on TPS, RPM and MAP signals
- Trailing ignition
- Virtual inputs/internal outputs to activate internal functions
- Use of TYPE-K sensor to report IAT up to 350 degree C/660 F
- Wastegate control with CO2 for predictable boost
- Extra user table activation based on user defined settings
- After launch power limit, function to control traction after launch
- CAN inputs (advanced) - Receive CAN data from external electronics and use in MaxxECU, such as OEM vehicle buttons.
- Automatic starting and stopping of internal log function based on user conditions (speed, load, error code etc.)
- Timers and distance counters
- CAN for OEM protocols, OBDII, and CAN modules
- Clutch slip control with user defined tables (as an example)
- Measure injector resistance directly from software
- Built-in trigger oscilloscope
- Built-in trigger logger
- Flexible load/speed axis selection
- Flexible user output functions
- Flexible user PWM/FREQ output functions
- Speedometer output function
- Tachometer output selectable 5/12V, supports external flyback coil
- Sequential gearbox control